MEDTIPS MAGAZINE (HEALTH PROMOTION) BASIC FACTS ABOUT TUBERCULOSIS (TB) There have been alot of miscommunication on tuberculosis, how it's spread and contracted, possible symptoms and possible things to do if contracted. In this article you will find out all of what are listed above about tuberculosis. WHAT IS TUBERCULOSIS: Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria called myobacteria. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but they can also lead to damage of other parts of the body. HOW DOES TUBERCULOSIS SPREAD: Tuberculosis is spread through air when a person with tuberculosis of the lungs or throat does the following Coughs Sneezes Talks. If you have been exposed, you should consult your doctor for tests. One can likely contract tuberculosis if they have weak immune system. Below are the symptoms of tuberculosis; SYMPTOMS OF TUBERCULOSIS: A bad cough that lasts 3 weeks or longer Weight loss Loss of appetite Coughing up blood or mucus Weakness and fatigue Fev...