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Are you a Preclinical Medical student? Are you a year two (2) student in the following departments;
Medical rehabilitation (physiotherapy)
Nursing sciences
Human Anatomy
Human physiology
Medical biochemistry
Medical Radiography
Medical laboratory science
Human nutrition and dietetics
Public health sciences etc.

Then you're at the right blog, starting preclinicals with the right resources and materials is a smart way to pass your exams. Videos are one of the best best learning methods for Medical students.

In this article I have included the best youtube channels for med students, As a medical student if you decide to find good youtube channels all by yourself;you may land yourself in the wrong hands. This is why mentorship is very important in your Med school journey.

Listed below are top channels for med students

Dr Najeeb is a Pakistan Medical doctor and a passionate tutor. Who had dedicated a large part of his life to teaching Medical students educational videos.
Dr Najeeb does not only release videos for anatomy only, he has a collection of Preclinical courses (Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry) link to YouTube channel
Osmosis lectures is your go-to channel for pharmacology, physiology, pathology and clinical videos.. they're also loved by many med students due to graphics and simple imagery which makes very difficult concepts easy to gasp by an average med student
YouTube link


this channel covers almost all subspecialties of medicine and surgery (anatomy, pathology, pharmacology, Physiology and biochemistry)
YouTube link
this channel is among the best for preclinical studies, from the channel you'll find simple explanation for one of the very nightmarish topics for preclinical Med students like brachial plexus and cell biology. YouTube link

There are other great channels out there that wasn't mentioned in the article, feel free to use the comment section below if you know other youtube channels for preclinical Medical students.


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