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Showing posts from October, 2022

Best study patterns for great results

 Your memory can be triggered by different cues in your environment. If you are having trouble remembering the material you are studying, try moving to a new spot to help the information stand out in your mind. REVISIT THE MATERIAL Review the material you studied a couple days after your study session. Make a mental note of anything you have forgotten, and review those areas again. LEARNING ISN’T JUST ABOUT MEMORIZATION Remember, it’s important to use these memory techniques on top of other good study habits like proper time management and organization. This will help make sure you’re not simply memorizing the material, but working toward a deeper understanding of the subject ." width="320" /> There are various enviro...

Top 13 medical school essentials

MEDICAL SCHOOL ESSENTIALS Top 13. Thinking of the must-have medical school essentials, you're a the right place. The thing is you don't really need much stuffs to start medical school, you just need the important materials Listed below are top thirteen medical school essentials... 1. Stethoscope despite being a freshman in college or a sophomore, you'd need a stethoscope, litman's stethoscope is a great suggestion. Most medical schools in Nigeria introduce the use of stethoscope from sophomore or the preclinical year in med school. Especially during the physiology practicals where they will perform some basic measurements. So having a stethoscope for a start isn't a bad idea. 2. Good tablets, laptops or computers. An average medical student would prefer studying with a laptop or desktop computer. Having at least a laptop could make learning and studying easier. Alot of students prefer to have soft copy notes and texts because it...